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Gall Bladder Surgery

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Tony H
Joined: 7 years ago
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Well I finally got a date for gall bladder surgery , 23 July , it's only an over night surgery but surprised I'm getting it so close to my protectomy  ,

Any idea of how long recovery is ? Hopefully it's getting done via keyhole barring any complications, 

Have a concert in the middle of August so hopefully I'll be ready for that 😷

GoatHerder, LK, VeganOstomy and 1 people reacted
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Posts: 371

Tony, my recovery was very quick. It was a laparoscopic surgery, and I went home the same day, slept most of that day, and then just kept getting better every day. I was feeling really great about 2 weeks after my surgery. I still had to be careful not to overdo it, but I think you’ll be ready for your concert mid August. Unless you have to lift a double bass or a tuba. 😆Seriously, are you a participant or in the audience? 

It took me awhile to adjust to not having a gallbladder, and at first I was worried that I might be part of that 20% that requires medication after gallbladder removal. But I’m fine now; my body has adjusted and I feel better than I have in years. I had been taking 4 Imodium every day (sometimes 6) and now it’s a rare occurrence for me to take it at all. So I would suggest you be careful initially about your diet, and consume fats sparingly, maybe small and more frequent meals for awhile. It probably took me 2-3 months to resume a normal diet.



Just a semicolon

LK, VeganOstomy, LLNorth and 1 people reacted
Tony H
Joined: 7 years ago
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Thanks Laurie , really appreciate it ,

Hope to go to ac dc in August ,spent a fortune for the tickets for myself and my son 🤗😈😈😈

LK and Tigerlily reacted
Joined: 4 years ago
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@tony-h OK, but no head banging until you’re fully healed!



Just a semicolon

LK and Tony H reacted
Joined: 5 years ago
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@tony-h Hi Tony, I had the laparascopic gallbladder surgery about 8 years ago - 3 small holes, and I stayed overnight one night. My recovery was uneventful and also very fast - took it easy for a bit but was never sore enough to need pain pills after I left the hospital. Goodness, it was life-changing! I had been feeling lousy for quite some time, and after the surgery it was just like night and day, felt great.

I am really glad I had it done - you will be, too.  Have a groovy time with your son! (Are you laughing because I said groovy?) 😊

Colostomy 4/30/18.
I love the smell of coffee in the morning. It smells like .... victory.

LK, Tigerlily, Chelly and 1 people reacted
Tony H
Joined: 7 years ago
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Hey LL thanks for that , I grew up in the 60's man ,so groovy is cool ,and most of my music is from the 60's and 70's ,

Hopefully there's not much scar tissue from the protectomy and I'll get keyhole as well .

LK and Tigerlily reacted
Joined: 2 years ago
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I had mine out before my ostomy. They kept me overnight. The recovery was very fast. You will be able to attend your concert. I had the same 3 holes laproscopic like LL.

Tony H, LK and Tigerlily reacted
Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 371

@llholiday well, I am laughing because you said groovy! Sounds so weird in 2024, doesn’t it? On a more serious note, I will always be grateful to you for allaying my worries about my gallbladder surgery. Having just been through a hernia repair, I was not excited by the thought of another surgery. But I’m really glad I had it. As you said, the difference was like night and day.



Just a semicolon

Tony H, LK and LLNorth reacted
Joined: 7 years ago
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@tony-h  ...  I think this is good news! My sister had her gallbladder removed during covid, after way too long of putting up with symptoms & delays, so, emergency surgery. Better planned than that anyday!!  However,  She said it was the best thing she ever did for herself & the recovery was not bad at all. 

Because you have time, plan for it, eat well, hydrate well and get good sleep before hand for healing purposes. Find yourself some high vitamin foods, like Butternut Squash, oh come now, it depends on how the squash is cooked for eating that makes it so tasty & good. I only like mashed spuds, so, squash should have texture to it when cooked to make it more enjoyable. Fruits,  Blueberries are a good food, antioxidant, as well as so many other foods loaded with all the good stuff and to help prepare your body for the event. Long walks are very good for the abdomen & everything in it sort of gets massaged as you walk, plus you can practice tightening & relaxing those biggest  abdominal muscles as you walk and...bonus, its great for passing gas! Lol! 

My hubby would have loved to go see ac dc!! I think you'll have a blast!! Be sure & let us know how things go for you with this surgery too.  


Tigerlily and Tony H reacted
Tony H
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Thanks Linda 

LK reacted
Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 158

Hope it all went well! Had mine out at Christmas, was back to tending my goats in 2 days or so.

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Tony H and LK reacted
Tony H
Joined: 7 years ago
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@goatherder thanks Goatherde , due to get it done late July so still a small bit to go

VeganOstomy reacted
Joined: 10 months ago
Posts: 94

@tony-h Best of luck.  I'm sure you'll pull through just fine.

Tony H reacted